Friday, April 6, 2018

Top 4 Weapons Made On Forged In Fire

            Forged in Fire is a hit reality show on History channel. In the show four competitors compete to make a knife out of a random material every week. After the blade is forged, it is presented to the judges and they determine which competitor to send home. The remaining three then put a handle on their blade to make it a fully functioning weapon. After a series of tests, one more contestant is sent home. The remaining two competitors then have five days at their home forges to make a predetermined iconic weapon from history. These weapons are then put to the test, and a winner is determined to receive $10,000 and the title of Forged in Fire Champion.

Jamie’s Roman Gladius

            In season 1, Episode 7 “The Roman Gladius”, Jamie and Mareko went head to head to forged an accurate reproduction of the iconic roman gladius. Jamie’s blade was made out of a beautiful Damascus blade with a wooden handle featuring “Fortune Favors the Bold” carved into the handle in Latin. Both Jamie and Mareko’s blades preformed amazingly in a sharpness test against a bunch of tangled vines, kill test against a ballistics dummy, and a strength test against another roman gladius. The test were so neck and neck, that Jamie only won because Mareko’s blade picked up a slight bend in the hilt during the strength test.

Pete’s Crusader Sword

            In season 1, episode 5 “Crusader Sword”, Dave and Pete were tasked with creating a historically accurate crusader sword. Dave chose to make his blade out of 5160 Steel, a very common and simple steel to work with. The handle was made of walnut, featuring a leather band in the center, and all covered up with a thin deerskin hide. Pete made a very beautiful Damascus blade, with a beautiful handle and cross guard. Both blades were tested by delivering a blow to a fully dressed crusader dummy from horseback at full gallop; and then again on the same dummies from foot. Both blades preformed admirably in the kill test, and it was on to the strength test. For the strength test, each sword delivered 5 blows onto cow femurs. While Pete’s sword made it partially through the first bone without taking any damage, Dave’s sword made it through the first bone and into the second; though it did pick up a bend and lots of blade rolling and damage. Because of the damage to Dave’s blade, and the performance of Pete’s blade, Pete became the new Forged in Fire champion.

Ben’s Scottish Claymore

            In season 3, episode 1 “Champions Edition”, 4 previous champions were brought back and tasked with creating a Scottish Claymore. Matt created a 57.5 inch claymore with a 43 inch blade. Ben’s claymore had a 40.5 inch blade with a cross guard and pommel made from a rod iron anchor chain with 24 karat gold inlayed into the pommel and a Damascus blade. The first challenge was the bullet split, where each blade was required to split a .45 ACP bullet fired at it. Matt’s blade split the bullet with ease, and only a small but of dulling on the blade where it was struck. Ben’s blade was next, and it was able to split the bullet with nothing more than minor scratching where it was struck. Next was the sharpness test, where the blades would have one blow delivered to the front legs of a “horse”, simulated by sugar canes. Matt’s blade cut cleanly through the sugar canes with ease; while Ben’s blade cut cleanly through one leg and only partially through the other. Next, for the kill test, each blade was put to the test against a pig carcass. During the second season, blade smiths were also tasked with creating Scottish claymores, but when it came to the kill test against pig carcasses, on blade bent and wrapped around the pig, while the other shattered completely on impact. Matt’s blade was first, and when it struck the pig, the blade lacerated the skin, but ultimately it was too flexible to cut; therefore, failing the kill test. Now it was time to test Ben’s blade, and as his blade struck the pig, it cut cleanly through with ease; almost as if the pig wasn’t even there. Because of his performance in the kill test, Ben became the first 2 time Forged in Fire champion.

Hook Sword

            In season 3, episode 2 “Fan Favorites”, Dave returned from the Crusader Sword episode to go up against Rich from season one to create a Hook Sword. For the sharpness test, each blade was put to the test cutting through 3 rolled up mats filled with rice. Rich’s blade cut cleanly through all 3 mats with no issues whatsoever, while Dave’s blade was sharp enough to cut into all 3 mats, but not sharp enough to cut all the way through any of them. For the strength test, each blade was hit twice against two Terracotta warriors. Rich’s blade was first, and though it did pick up a very slight bend and slight edge deformations, it faired fairly well. Dave’s blade performed amazingly, smashing the warrior to pieces and only picking up slight edge deformation. It was a very difficult decision for the judges to make, but ultimately Dave’s blade came out on top because of the way it destroyed the Terracotta warrior.

            With 5 seasons and counting, it is difficult to pick out only 4 weapons to be at the top; however, these are the 4 that I personally believe to be at the very top. I encourage you to check out the show and decide for yourself, however, because my top 4 may greatly vary from your top 4.